Answer the following questions about discrete signal processing. Here, \(T\) is the sampling interval.
(1) Show the definition of the \(Z\)-transform \(X(z)\) for the discrete signal series \(x_n(n = 0,1,2,\cdots)\), which is defined for \(n \ge 0\). Here, \(z\) is a complex variable.
(2) Derive the transfer function \(H(s)\) in the \(s\)-domain(the Laplace transform domain) of the circuit in Fig.1.
(3) The relationship between the Laplace transform and the \(Z\)-transform is described as \(z = e^{sT}\). Derive the following approximation.
s \simeq \frac{2}{T}\frac{1 - z^{-1}}{1 + z^{-1}}.
You can use the following equation if necessary.
e^{x} \simeq 1 + x.
(4) Convert \(H(s)\) to the transfer function \(H(z)\) in the \(z\)-domain by using the approximation derived in (3). Here, we assume \(T = 1\).
(5) Show a schematic of a discrete signal circuit that corresponds to \(H(z)\) in (4).
(6) By taking the same procedure, show a schematic of a discrete signal circuit for the circuit shown in Fig.2.