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東京大学 情報理工学系研究科 コンピュータ科学専攻 2022年8月実施 専門科目 問題1




Let \(\Sigma\) be the set \(\{a, b\}\) of letters. For a language \(L \subseteq \Sigma^*\) over \(\Sigma\), we define \(\Gamma(L)\) as follows.

\[ \Gamma(L) = \{v \in \Sigma^* \mid \exists w \in \Sigma^* \cdot (|v| = |w| \land vw \in L)\}. \]

Here, \(|x|\) denotes the length of the string \(x\). For example, if \(L_1 = \{aa, ba, abb, abbb\}\), then \(\Gamma(L_1) = \{a, b, ab\}\).

Answer the following questions.

(1) Let \(L_2 = \{(ab)^n \mid n \geq 0\}\). Express \(\Gamma(L_2)\) using a regular expression.

(2) Let \(L_3 = \{a^n b^n a^m b^m \mid n \geq 0, m \geq 0\}\). Give a context-free grammar that generates \(\Gamma(L_3)\).

(3) Let \(\mathcal{M} = (Q, \Sigma, \delta, q_0, F)\) be a deterministic finite automaton, and let \(L_{\mathcal{M}}\) be the language accepted by \(\mathcal{M}\). Here, \(Q\), \(\Sigma\), \(\delta\), \(q_0\), and \(F\) are the set of states, the transition function, the initial state, and the set of final states of \(\mathcal{M}\), respectively. You may assume that the transition function \(\delta : Q \times \Sigma \to Q\) is total. Give a finite automaton that accepts \(\Gamma(L_{\mathcal{M}})\), with a brief explanation.

(4) If the proposition given below is true, then give how to construct a context-free grammar that generates \(\Gamma(L)\), from a context-free grammar that generates \(L\) (you may use push-down automata instead of context-free grammars), with a brief explanation. Otherwise, give a counterexample, with a brief explanation.

Proposition: "For every context-free language \(L \subseteq \Sigma^*\), \(\Gamma(L)\) is a context-free language."

\(\Sigma\) 为字母集 \(\{a, b\}\)。对于 \(\Sigma\) 上的语言 \(L \subseteq \Sigma^*\),我们定义 \(\Gamma(L)\) 如下。

\[ \Gamma(L) = \{v \in \Sigma^* \mid \exists w \in \Sigma^* \cdot (|v| = |w| \land vw \in L)\}. \]

这里,\(|x|\) 表示字符串 \(x\) 的长度。例如,如果 \(L_1 = \{aa, ba, abb, abbb\}\),那么 \(\Gamma(L_1) = \{a, b, ab\}\)


(1) 设 \(L_2 = \{(ab)^n \mid n \geq 0\}\)。用正则表达式表示 \(\Gamma(L_2)\)

(2) 设 \(L_3 = \{a^n b^n a^m b^m \mid n \geq 0, m \geq 0\}\)。给出生成 \(\Gamma(L_3)\) 的上下文无关文法。

(3) 设 \(\mathcal{M} = (Q, \Sigma, \delta, q_0, F)\) 为一个确定性有限自动机,并且设 \(L_{\mathcal{M}}\)\(\mathcal{M}\) 接受的语言。这里,\(Q\), \(\Sigma\), \(\delta\), \(q_0\), 和 \(F\) 分别为 \(\mathcal{M}\) 的状态集合、字母表、转移函数、初始状态和终止状态集合。可以假设转移函数 \(\delta : Q \times \Sigma \to Q\) 是全定义的。给出一个接受 \(\Gamma(L_{\mathcal{M}})\) 的有限自动机,并简要解释。

(4) 如果以下命题为真,请给出如何从生成 \(L\) 的上下文无关文法构造生成 \(\Gamma(L)\) 的上下文无关文法(可以使用下推自动机代替上下文无关文法),并简要解释。否则,请给出一个反例,并简要解释。

命题: " 对于每个上下文无关语言 \(L \subseteq \Sigma^*\)\(\Gamma(L)\) 是一个上下文无关语言。"



Let \(L_2 = \{(ab)^n \mid n \geq 0\}\). The language \(L_2\) consists of strings of even length formed by repeating the substring "ab".

Solution: To find \(\Gamma(L_2)\), consider what \(\Gamma(L)\) does. For each string \(v \in \Gamma(L_2)\), there exists a string \(w\) of the same length such that \(vw \in L_2\).

Given that \(L_2\) consists of strings of the form \((ab)^n\), the possible strings \(v\) must have lengths that can be paired with some \(w\) such that their concatenation results in a string from \(L_2\).

The key observation is that \(v\) can be any prefix of strings from \(L_2\). This gives us the possible regular expression:

\[ \Gamma(L_2) = (a + b)^* \]

This is because for any string \(v\) formed from letters \(a\) and \(b\), there is a corresponding \(w\) such that \(vw \in L_2\) as long as the length condition is satisfied.


Let \(L_3 = \{a^n b^n a^m b^m \mid n \geq 0, m \geq 0\}\). This language consists of strings where the numbers of \(a\)s and \(b\)s are matched in pairs.

Solution: To generate \(\Gamma(L_3)\), consider the strings that can form the beginning of valid strings in \(L_3\). Specifically, \(\Gamma(L_3)\) includes any prefix of \(L_3\) that can be completed to a string in \(L_3\). Therefore, \(\Gamma(L_3)\) includes strings of the form \(a^p b^q a^r b^s\) where \(0 \leq p \leq n\), \(0 \leq q \leq n\), \(0 \leq r \leq m\), and \(0 \leq s \leq m\).

A context-free grammar \(G = (V, \Sigma, R, S)\) generating \(\Gamma(L_3)\) can be defined as follows:

  • Variables: \(S, A, B, C, D\)
  • Alphabet: \(\Sigma = \{a, b\}\)
  • Rules:
  • \(S \rightarrow AB \mid \epsilon\)
  • \(A \rightarrow aA \mid B\)
  • \(B \rightarrow bB \mid C\)
  • \(C \rightarrow aC \mid D\)
  • \(D \rightarrow bD \mid \epsilon\)

  • Start Symbol: \(S\)

This grammar generates strings in the form of prefixes of the strings in \(L_3\).


Let \(\mathcal{M} = (Q, \Sigma, \delta, q_0, F)\) be a deterministic finite automaton (DFA) that accepts a language \(L_{\mathcal{M}}\). We need to construct a DFA \(\mathcal{M}'\) that accepts \(\Gamma(L_{\mathcal{M}})\).

Solution: To construct \(\mathcal{M}'\), consider that \(\Gamma(L_{\mathcal{M}})\) consists of strings \(v\) such that there exists some \(w\) with \(|v| = |w|\) and \(vw \in L_{\mathcal{M}}\).

  • States: The states of \(\mathcal{M}'\) will be pairs of states from \(Q \times Q\), representing the DFA being in a state corresponding to the prefixes \(v\) and \(w\) of equal length.
  • Transitions: For each \((p, q) \in Q \times Q\) and for each letter \(a \in \Sigma\), if \(\delta(p, a) = p'\) and \(\delta(q, a) = q'\), then \((p, q) \xrightarrow{a} (p', q')\).
  • Start State: The start state is \((q_0, q_0)\).
  • Final States: A pair \((p, q)\) is a final state if there exists some \(p' \in Q\) and \(q' \in F\) such that \((p, q)\) transitions to \((p', q')\) by some string.

This DFA \(\mathcal{M}'\) accepts exactly the strings in \(\Gamma(L_{\mathcal{M}})\) by simulating the original DFA on both halves of the string in parallel.


Proposition: "For every context-free language \(L \subseteq \Sigma^*\), \(\Gamma(L)\) is a context-free language."

Solution: The proposition is false. A counterexample can be constructed as follows:

Consider the context-free language \(L = \{a^n b^n c^n \mid n \geq 1\}\), which is known to be context-free. However, \(\Gamma(L)\) would include strings like \(a^p b^q c^r\) where \(p, q, r\) do not necessarily follow the strict condition \(p = q = r\). The language \(\Gamma(L)\) can be shown to be non-context-free because it requires balancing different parts of the string in a way that a context-free grammar cannot generally handle.

This counterexample demonstrates that \(\Gamma(L)\) is not necessarily context-free even if \(L\) is.


RegularExpression ContextFreeGrammar DeterministicFiniteAutomaton ContextFreeLanguage


  1. Constructing Regular Expressions: Understanding the structure of the language is crucial to forming the correct regular expression.
  2. Designing CFGs: Consider the form of prefixes when designing CFGs for \(\Gamma(L)\).
  3. DFA Construction: For automaton-based constructions, consider pairs of states to account for parallel processing of string halves.
  4. Non-context-free Languages: Remember that some operations can lead to languages that are not context-free even if the original language is.


  • Prefix: 前缀
  • Context-free grammar (CFG): 上下文无关文法
  • Deterministic finite automaton (DFA): 确定性有限自动机
  • Regular expression: 正则表达式


  1. Hopcroft, J.E., Motwani, R., Ullman, J.D. (2006). Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation. Addison-Wesley. Chapter 2, 5.
  2. Sipser, M. (2012). Introduction to the Theory of Computation. Cengage Learning. Chapter 2, 4.