東京大学 情報理工学系研究科 コンピュータ科学専攻 2021年2月実施 問題1
Ordered binary trees are trees in which each node has at most two ordered children. Below, \(\mathbf{T_n}\) denotes the set of all the ordered binary trees with \(n\) leaves. Let \(\mathrm{d_T}(v)\) denote the depth of node \(v\) in an ordered binary tree \(T\), i.e., the number of edges on the path from the root to \(v\).
For a sequence \(\mathbf{P} = (c_1, c_2, \ldots, c_n)\) of \(n\) positive real numbers, we define \(\mathbf{S_P}\) and \(\mathbf{H_P}\) by:
For an ordered binary tree \(T \in \mathbf{T_n}\), we define \(\mathbf{W_P}(T)\) by:
where \(v_i\) is the \(i\)-th leaf from left in \(T\).
Answer the following questions.
(1) Give the tree \(T \in \mathbf{T_4}\) that has the smallest value of \(\mathbf{W_P}(T)\) in case \(\mathbf{P} = (4, 2, 1, 1)\).
(2) Show that \(\sum_{i=1}^{n} 2^{-\mathrm{d_T}(v_i)} \leq 1\) holds for any ordered binary tree \(T \in \mathbf{T_n}\) with leaves \(v_1, v_2, \ldots, v_n\).
(3) Assume that \(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n\) range over the set of positive real numbers so that \(\sum_{i=1}^{n} x_i = 1\). Show that \(\sum_{i=1}^{n} (c_i \cdot \log_2 x_i)\) is maximized when \(x_i = c_i/\mathbf{S_P}\) for any sequence \(\mathbf{P} = (c_1, c_2, \ldots, c_n)\) of \(n\) positive real numbers.
(4) Show that any ordered binary tree \(T \in \mathbf{T_n}\) satisfies \(\mathbf{W_P}(T) \geq \mathbf{H_P}\) for any sequence \(\mathbf{P} = (c_1, c_2, \ldots, c_n)\) of \(n\) positive real numbers.
有序二叉树是指每个节点最多有两个有序子节点的树。下面,\(\mathbf{T_n}\) 表示具有 \(n\) 叶节点的所有有序二叉树的集合。设 \(\mathrm{d_T}(v)\) 表示有序二叉树 \(T\) 中节点 \(v\) 的深度,即从根到 \(v\) 的路径上的边数。
对于一个由 \(n\) 个正实数组成的序列 \(\mathbf{P} = (c_1, c_2, \ldots, c_n)\),我们定义 \(\mathbf{S_P}\) 和 \(\mathbf{H_P}\) 如下:
对于一个有序二叉树 \(T \in \mathbf{T_n}\),我们定义 \(\mathbf{W_P}(T)\) 如下:
其中 \(v_i\) 是 \(T\) 中从左数的第 \(i\) 个叶节点。
(1) 给出在 \(\mathbf{P} = (4, 2, 1, 1)\) 情况下 \(\mathbf{T_4}\) 中 \(\mathbf{W_P}(T)\) 最小的树 \(T\)。
(2) 证明对于任何有叶节点 \(v_1, v_2, \ldots, v_n\) 的有序二叉树 \(T \in \mathbf{T_n}\),\(\sum_{i=1}^{n} 2^{-\mathrm{d_T}(v_i)} \leq 1\) 成立。
(3) 假设 \(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n\) 在正实数范围内变化,并且满足 \(\sum_{i=1}^{n} x_i = 1\)。证明对于任何由 \(n\) 个正实数组成的序列 \(\mathbf{P} = (c_1, c_2, \ldots, c_n)\),当 \(x_i = c_i/\mathbf{S_P}\) 时,\(\sum_{i=1}^{n} (c_i \cdot \log_2 x_i)\) 取得最大值。
(4) 证明对于任何有序二叉树 \(T \in \mathbf{T_n}\),对于任何由 \(n\) 个正实数组成的序列 \(\mathbf{P} = (c_1, c_2, \ldots, c_n)\),\(\mathbf{W_P}(T) \geq \mathbf{H_P}\)。
To minimize \(\mathbf{W_P}(T)\), we should construct a tree that resembles a Huffman tree, where the most frequent items (with the highest weights) are located at shallower depths. Here, the weights are \((4, 2, 1, 1)\).
Steps to construct the tree: 1. Start by pairing the two smallest weights, which are both \(1\). 2. Combine these to form a subtree with a combined weight of \(2\). 3. Now, we have weights \((4, 2, 2)\). 4. Next, combine the two smallest remaining weights, which are both \(2\). 5. Combine these to form a subtree with a combined weight of \(4\). 6. Finally, combine the two subtrees \((4, 4)\) to form the complete tree.
The resulting tree structure is:
Thus, the depth of each leaf in the tree is:
- \(c_1 = 4\), depth \(\mathrm{d_T}(v_1) = 1\)
- \(c_2 = 2\), depth \(\mathrm{d_T}(v_2) = 2\)
- \(c_3 = 1\), depth \(\mathrm{d_T}(v_3) = 3\)
- \(c_4 = 1\), depth \(\mathrm{d_T}(v_4) = 3\)
Now, we calculate \(\mathbf{W_P}(T)\):
Thus, the tree \(T\) that minimizes \(\mathbf{W_P}(T)\) has the above structure.
To prove the inequality \(\sum_{i=1}^{n} 2^{-\mathrm{d_T}(v_i)} \leq 1\) using mathematical induction, we need to follow these steps:
- Base Case
- Inductive Step
Base Case: For \(n = 1\) (a tree with only one leaf), the depth of the only leaf \(v_1\) is 0.
Thus, the base case holds.
Inductive Step: Assume that for any ordered binary tree with \(k\) leaves, the inequality holds:
Now, we need to prove that the inequality holds for an ordered binary tree with \(k+1\) leaves.
- Consider an ordered binary tree with \(k+1\) leaves.
- Let's denote the depth of the leaves in this tree by \(\mathrm{d_T}(v_1), \mathrm{d_T}(v_2), \ldots, \mathrm{d_T}(v_{k+1})\).
When we add an additional leaf to a tree with \(k\) leaves to form a tree with \(k+1\) leaves, we must split one of the existing leaves into two children. This operation increases the depth of the affected leaf by 1 and adds a new leaf with the same depth.
Suppose we split the leaf \(v_j\) (where \(\mathrm{d_T}(v_j) = d\)) into two new leaves \(v_j'\) and \(v_{k+1}\), both at depth \(d+1\).
Thus, we need to show:
By the inductive hypothesis, for the original tree with \(k\) leaves:
In the new tree:
Since \(2^{-(d+1)} + 2^{-(d+1)} = 2^{-d}\):
Thus, the inequality holds after adding a new leaf and increasing the depth of the original leaf.
By induction, the inequality \(\sum_{i=1}^{n} 2^{-\mathrm{d_T}(v_i)} \leq 1\) holds for all \(n\).
To maximize \(\sum_{i=1}^{n} (c_i \cdot \log_2 x_i)\) under the constraint \(\sum_{i=1}^{n} x_i = 1\), we use the method of Lagrange multipliers.
Define the Lagrangian:
Take the partial derivatives and set them to zero:
Using the constraint \(\sum_{i=1}^{n} x_i = 1\):
Thus, the maximizing \(x_i\) is:
To show that \(\mathbf{W_P}(T) \geq \mathbf{H_P}\), we need to use the definitions of \(\mathbf{W_P}(T)\) and \(\mathbf{H_P}\) and employ some fundamental principles of information theory and entropy.
We start by rewriting \(\mathbf{H_P}\) in a more convenient form:
Since \(\sum_{i=1}^{n} c_i = \mathbf{S_P}\), we get:
Next, consider the following inequality derived from Jensen's inequality for the concave function \(f(x) = -x \log_2(x)\):
This simplifies to:
Since \(\sum_{i=1}^{n} c_i = \mathbf{S_P}\), we get:
The weighted path length \(\mathbf{W_P}(T)\) can be understood using Kraft's inequality, which relates the depths of leaves in a binary tree to probabilities that sum up to 1. Let \(p_i = \frac{c_i}{\mathbf{S_P}}\) be the probability associated with the \(i\)-th leaf. According to Kraft's inequality:
We multiply both sides by \(\mathbf{S_P}\):
Using the fact that \(p_i = \frac{c_i}{\mathbf{S_P}}\):
Now, we apply the definition of entropy:
Using Gibbs' inequality, we know that:
Multiplying both sides by \(\mathbf{S_P}\):
Substituting \(p_i = \frac{c_i}{\mathbf{S_P}}\) into the inequality:
Thus, we have shown that \(\mathbf{W_P}(T) \geq \mathbf{H_P}\) for any ordered binary tree \(T \in \mathbf{T_n}\) and any sequence \(\mathbf{P} = (c_1, c_2, \ldots, c_n)\) of \(n\) positive real numbers.
有序二叉树 哈夫曼树 信息论 拉格朗日乘数法 数学归纳法
- Ordered binary tree 有序二叉树
- Huffman tree 哈夫曼树
- Depth 深度
- Lagrange multipliers 拉格朗日乘子
- Entropy 熵
- Lagrange multiplier 拉格朗日乘数
- Jensen's inequality 詹森不等式
- Gibbs' inequality 吉布斯不等式
- Kraft's inequality 克拉夫特不等式
- Introduction to Algorithms, Chapter 16: Greedy Algorithms
- Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms, David J.C. MacKay