東京大学 情報理工学系研究科 コンピュータ科学専攻 2020年8月実施 専門科目 問題2
Let \(\Sigma\) be the set \(\{a, b\}\) of letters. For a word \(w \in \Sigma^*\) and two languages \(L_a, L_b \subseteq \Sigma^*\) over \(\Sigma\), we define the language \(w\{a \mapsto L_a, b \mapsto L_b\} \subseteq \Sigma^*\) as follows, by induction on \(w\).
Here, \(\epsilon\) represents the empty word. For example, if \(w = aba\), \(L_a = \{b^n \mid n \geq 0\}\), and \(L_b = \{a^n \mid n \geq 0\}\), then \(w\{a \mapsto L_a, b \mapsto L_b\} = \{b^l a^m b^n \mid l, m, n \geq 0\}\). Furthermore, for languages \(L, L_a, L_b \subseteq \Sigma^*\), we define \(L\{a \mapsto L_a, b \mapsto L_b\}\) as \(\bigcup_{w \in L} w\{a \mapsto L_a, b \mapsto L_b\}\). For example, if \(L = \{a^n b \mid n \geq 0\}\), \(L_a = \{ab\}\), and \(L_b = \{a^n \mid n \geq 0\}\), then \(L\{a \mapsto L_a, b \mapsto L_b\} = \{(ab)^m a^n \mid m, n \geq 0\}\).
Answer the following questions.
(1) Let \(L = \{(ab)^m a^n \mid m, n \geq 0\}\), \(L_a = \{bb\}\), and \(L_b = \{ab, a\}\). Express \(L\{a \mapsto L_a, b \mapsto L_b\}\) using a regular expression.
(2) Let \(L' = \{a^m b^n \mid m \geq n \geq 0\}\), \(L_a' = \{a^n \mid n \geq 0\}\), and \(L_b' = \{a^m b^m \mid m \geq 0\}\). Express \(\{w \in \Sigma^* \mid w\{a \mapsto L_a', b \mapsto L_b'\} \subseteq L'\}\) using a regular expression.
(3) Let \(A_0 = (Q_0, \Sigma, \delta_0, q_{0,0}, F_0)\), \(A_1 = (Q_1, \Sigma, \delta_1, q_{1,0}, F_1)\), and \(A_2 = (Q_2, \Sigma, \delta_2, q_{2,0}, F_2)\) be deterministic finite automata, and for each \(i \in \{0, 1, 2\}\), let \(L_i\) be the language accepted by \(A_i\). Here, \(Q_i, \delta_i, q_{i,0}, F_i\) are the set of states, the transition function, the initial state, and the set of final states of \(A_i\) (\(i \in \{0, 1, 2\}\)), respectively. Assume that the transition functions \(\delta_i \in Q_i \times \Sigma \rightarrow Q_i\) (\(i \in \{0, 1, 2\}\)) are total. Give a non-deterministic finite automaton that accepts \(L_0 \{a \mapsto L_1, b \mapsto L_2\}\), with a brief explanation. You may use \(\epsilon\)-transitions.
(4) For \(A_i\) and \(L_i\) (\(i \in \{0, 1, 2\}\)) in question (3), give a deterministic finite automaton that accepts \(\{w \in \Sigma^* \mid w\{a \mapsto L_1, b \mapsto L_2\} \subseteq L_0\}\), with a brief explanation.
Given \(L = \{(ab)^m a^n \mid m, n \geq 0\}\), \(L_a = \{bb\}\), and \(L_b = \{ab, a\}\):
This expression represents the language where every \(a\) in the original language is replaced by \(bb\) and every \(b\) is replaced by either \(ab\) or \(a\).
Given \(L' = \{a^m b^n \mid m \geq n \geq 0\}\), \(L_a' = \{a^n \mid n \geq 0\}\), and \(L_b' = \{a^m b^m \mid m \geq 0\}\), for \(w \in \Sigma^*\), suppose \(w' = w\{a \mapsto L_a', b \mapsto L_b'\}\).
Since \(w' \subseteq L'\), we can express any element of \(w'\), \(w'_i\) as \(a^x a^y b^y\) where \(x, y \geq 0\). This implies that \(w'\) contains \(a^x\) followed by \(a^y b^y\) for some \(x, y \geq 0\).
Since all of the \(b\) in \(w'_i\) can only come from \(b\) in \(w\), we can reverse the substitution process to get \(w = a^x b^y\), where \(y\) can only be \(0\) or \(1\).
Therefore, the regular expression for \(\{w \in \Sigma^* \mid w\{a \mapsto L_a', b \mapsto L_b'\} \subseteq L'\}\) is:
We will construct an NFA that accepts \(L_0 \{a \mapsto L_1, b \mapsto L_2\}\) using \(\epsilon\)-transitions. The NFA will have the same structure as \(A_0\), but the transitions will be replaced based on the input letter with the transitions from \(A_1\) and \(A_2\), and \(\epsilon\)-transitions will be used to connect the states.
For example, supposing the original transitions for the input letter \(a\) in \(A_0\) are \(q_{0,0} \xrightarrow{a} q_{0,1}\), we will replace these transitions with the corresponding transitions from \(A_1\):
Similarly, for the input letter \(b\), we will replace the transitions with the corresponding transitions from \(A_2\).
The final states of the NFA will be those states where the original final states of \(A_0\) are reached after the substitution process.
Explanation: Since the language \(L_0 \{a \mapsto L_1, b \mapsto L_2\}\) is obtained by substituting the strings in \(L_1\) and \(L_2\) for \(a\) and \(b\) in the strings of \(L_0\), the NFA needs to simulate this substitution process by transitioning to the corresponding states in \(A_1\) and \(A_2\) based on the input letter.
To construct a DFA for \(\{w \in \Sigma^* \mid w\{a \mapsto L_i, b \mapsto L_j\} \subseteq L_k\}\):
Explanation: - We need to track the states of \(A_i\), \(A_j\), and \(A_k\) simultaneously. - The DFA will have states \((q_i, q_j, q_k)\), where \(q_i \in Q_i\), \(q_j \in Q_j\), and \(q_k \in Q_k\). - The initial state is \((q_{i0}, q_{j0}, q_{k0})\). - The transition function will be defined as: - \((q_i, q_j, q_k) \xrightarrow{a} (\delta_i(q_i, a), q_j, \delta_k(q_k, w_{L_i}))\) for all \(w_{L_i} \in L_i\). - \((q_i, q_j, q_k) \xrightarrow{b} (q_i, \delta_j(q_j, b), \delta_k(q_k, w_{L_j}))\) for all \(w_{L_j} \in L_j\). - The final states are those where the third component is a final state in \(F_k\).
This DFA ensures that as we read \(w\), we keep track of the corresponding states in \(A_i\), \(A_j\), and \(A_k\) to ensure the substitution process results in strings that belong to \(L_k\).
语言替换 正则表达式 NFA DFA
- 语言替换的正则表达式表达形式,需要理解替换过程以及结果语言的模式。
- 识别满足特定替换条件的字符串集合,需要考虑原语言和替换后的语言的关系。
- 构造非确定性有限自动机 (NFA) 以处理语言替换,需要使用 \(\epsilon\)-transitions 连接不同自动机的状态。
- 构造确定性有限自动机 (DFA) 来接受满足条件的字符串集合,需要同时跟踪多个自动机的状态。
- 在处理语言替换问题时,理解每一步替换过程对最终结果的影响非常重要。
- 构造 NFA 和 DFA 时,注意状态之间的转换关系以及如何利用 \(\epsilon\)-transitions 连接不同语言的自动机。
- \(\epsilon\)-transitions: \(\epsilon\)-转换
- Regular Expression: 正则表达式
- Non-deterministic Finite Automaton (NFA): 非确定性有限自动机
- Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA): 确定性有限自动机
- Michael Sipser, "Introduction to the Theory of Computation", Chapter 2
- John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D. Ullman, "Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation", Chapter 3