東京大学 情報理工学系研究科 コンピュータ科学専攻 2017年8月実施 専門科目I 問題1
Consider the problem of finding the shortest paths in a weighted directed graph using Dijkstra’s algorithm. Denote the set of vertices as \(V\), the number of vertices as \(|V|\), the set of edges as \(E\), and the number of edges as \(|E|\).
Answer the following questions:
(1) Depict an example input data (with \(|V| = 3\)) for which Dijkstra’s algorithm does not correctly find the shortest paths.
(2) Below is a pseudo-code of the algorithm that computes the length \(c[v]\) of the shortest path from the start node \(s\) to each node \(v\). Answer code to fill in the blank \(\boxed{\ \ a\ \ }\).
(3) Consider the following graph with \(S\) as the start node. Show how the values stored in the array \(c\) change at each iteration of the while
statement when the above algorithm is applied to the graph.
(4) For each of the code fragments (i) and (ii) in the above pseudo-code, answer the total time spent in the code fragment during the whole run of the algorithm, using big \(O\) notation. Here assume that it takes \(O(|V|)\) time to execute code fragment (i) once.
(5) One can reduce the computational complexity of the algorithm by using a priority queue (binary heap) as \(Q\). In that case, for each of the code fragments (i) and (ii) in the above pseudo-code, answer the total time spent in the code fragment during the whole run of the refined algorithm, using big \(O\) notation.
Dijkstra will find that the shortest path to \(a\) is \(3\), although it's \(1\).
Each vertex is added to and removed from \(Q\) exactly once. Thus, (i) will run \(|V|\) times, \(O(|V|^2)\) in total. It takes \(O(1)\) to execute (ii) once. In total, the for loop will iterate over all edges and every edge will be processed only once. Hence, (ii) will execute \(O(|E|)\) in total.
We will keep vertices in a heap, ordered by \(c[v]\).
- Building the heap takes \(O(|V|)\)
- Looking up a minimum takes \(O(1)\) (i, line 1)
- Removing minimum takes \(O(\log|V|)\) (i, line 2)
- in (ii), we need to decrease key of an element in a heap. It takes \(O(\log|V|)\)
To conclude (i) takes \(O(|V|\log|V|)\). (ii) takes \(O(|E|\log|V|)\)