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東京大学 情報理工学系研究科 創造情報学専攻 2016年8月実施 プログラミング




We draw digits from 0 to 9 by the following pictographic characters constructed by * and | (vertical line). *, |, and a whitespace character are rendered with a fixed-width font.

****  *  ****  ****  *  *  ****  *     ****  ****  ****
|  |  |     |     |  |  |  |     |        |  |  |  |  |
*  *  *  ****  ****  ****  ****  ****     *  ****  ****
|  |  |  |        |     |     |  |  |     |  |  |     |
****  *  ****  ****     *  ****  ****     *  ****     *

(1) Write a program that draws the pictographic characters representing the input number on the screen and then stores them in the file out1.txt.
The pictographic characters are horizontally aligned. The space between two pictographic characters is two whitespace characters.

For example, when the input number is 813, the program will draw and store the following pictographic characters:

****  *  ****
|  |  |     |
****  *  ****
|  |  |     |
****  *  ****

(2) Write a program that reads the pictographic characters stored in the file out1.txt generated in (1), recognizes them, and prints the number they represent.

(3) Write a program that draws the pictographic characters for the input number, considering the specified spaces and vertical positions, on the screen and then stores them in the file out3.txt. The input is comma-separated integers. From the beginning, they are the number drawn (non-negative integer), the vertical position of the first digit (non-negative integer), the space between the first and the second digits (positive integer), the vertical position of the second digit, and so on.
For example, when the input is


the program draws 813:

  • 8 at the zeroth line,
  • 1 from the first line,
  • 3 from the second line.
  • The space between 8 and 1 is four whitespaces, and the space between 1 and 3 is three whitespaces.

The pictographic characters will be drawn as follows:

|  |    *   
****    |   ****
|  |    *      |
****    |   ****
        *      |

(4) Write a program that reads the pictographic characters stored in the file out3.txt generated in (3), recognizes them, and prints the number they represent.

(5) Create a copy of the file out3.txt generated in (3), and name it out5.txt. Modify the pictographic characters in the file out5.txt by hand to have a slightly different shape. After the modification, the size of each pictographic character is still five by four except for the digit 1, which becomes either five by one or five by two.

For example, the contents of out5.txt after modification may be 8167 represented as follows:

 **                ****
|  |    *   ***       |
 **     |   |        *
|  |    *   ****    |
 **    |    |  |   *
       *    ****

Write a program that reads the pictographic characters stored in the file out5.txt, recognize them, and prints the most probable number they represent.


Please click here for the sample data files.


from locale import atoi

zero = ['****',
        '|  |',
        '*  *',
        '|  |',
one = ['*',
two = ['****',
        '   |',
        '|   ',
three = ['****',
        '   |',
        '   |',
four = ['*  *',
        '|  |',
        '   |',
        '   *']
five = ['****',
        '|   ',
        '   |',
six = ['*   ',
        '|   ',
        '|  |',
seven = ['****',
        '   |',
        '   *',
        '   |',
        '   *']
eight = ['****',
        '|  |',
        '|  |',
nine = ['****',
        '|  |',
        '   |',
        '   *']

txt_nums = [zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine]

def main():
    n = '012547896583214560'
    with open('2017-Summer/out1.txt','w') as f:
        for j in range(len(txt_nums[0])):
            for s in n:
                i = atoi(s)
                f.write(f"{txt_nums[i][j]}  ")

if __name__ == "__main__":


import numpy as np
import math

zero = ['****',
        '|  |',
        '*  *',
        '|  |',
one = ['*',
two = ['****',
        '   |',
        '|   ',
three = ['****',
        '   |',
        '   |',
four = ['*  *',
        '|  |',
        '   |',
        '   *']
five = ['****',
        '|   ',
        '   |',
six = ['*   ',
        '|   ',
        '|  |',
seven = ['****',
        '   |',
        '   *',
        '   |',
        '   *']
eight = ['****',
        '|  |',
        '|  |',
nine = ['****',
        '|  |',
        '   |',
        '   *']

txt_nums = [zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine]

def find_correct_index(lines, s_i):
    e_i = 0
    for i in range(len(lines)):
        l = lines[i].strip()
        if l == '':
        n_e_i = str.find(l,' ',s_i)
        if n_e_i == -1:
            n_e_i = len(l)
        if n_e_i >= e_i:
            e_i = n_e_i
    return e_i

def get_int_from_repr_array(arr):
    if np.array_equal(arr, zero):
        return 0
    if np.array_equal(arr, one):
        return 1
    if np.array_equal(arr, two):
        return 2
    if np.array_equal(arr, three):
        return 3
    if np.array_equal(arr, four):
        return 4
    if np.array_equal(arr, five):
        return 5
    if np.array_equal(arr, six):
        return 6
    if np.array_equal(arr, seven):
        return 7
    if np.array_equal(arr, eight):
        return 8
    if np.array_equal(arr, nine):
        return 9

def get_idx_for_nums(lines):
    idxs = []
    s_i = 0
    should_run = True
    while should_run:
        e_i = find_correct_index(lines, s_i)

        s_i = e_i + 2
        if s_i >= len(lines[0].strip()):
            should_run = False
    return idxs

def main():
    lines = []
    with open('2017-Summer/out1.txt','r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()

    idxs = get_idx_for_nums(lines.copy())
    nums = np.full((len(idxs),5), fill_value="****", dtype='object')
    for j in range(len(lines)):
        i = 0
        for s,e in idxs:
            nums[i,j] = lines[j][s:e]
            i += 1

    num = 0
    i = len(idxs)
    for el in nums:
        num += int(math.pow(10,i-1)) * get_int_from_repr_array(el)
        i -= 1


if __name__ == "__main__":


from locale import atoi

zero = ['****',
        '|  |',
        '*  *',
        '|  |',
one = ['*',
two = ['****',
        '   |',
        '|   ',
three = ['****',
        '   |',
        '   |',
four = ['*  *',
        '|  |',
        '   |',
        '   *']
five = ['****',
        '|   ',
        '   |',
six = ['*   ',
        '|   ',
        '|  |',
seven = ['****',
        '   |',
        '   *',
        '   |',
        '   *']
eight = ['****',
        '|  |',
        '|  |',
nine = ['****',
        '|  |',
        '   |',
        '   *']

txt_nums = [zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine]

def main():
    inp = '690,0,4,2,2,1'
    n = inp[:inp.find(',')]
    prnt_lines = []
    defs = str.split(inp[inp.find(',')+1:],',')
    with open('2017-Summer/out3.txt','w') as f:
        indt = 0
        for i in range(len(n)):
            dg = atoi(n[i])
            tp = atoi(defs[i*2])
            sp = atoi(defs[i*2+1]) if i*2+1 < len(defs) else 0
            for j in range(5):
                while len(prnt_lines)-1 < tp+j:
                if len(prnt_lines[tp+j]) < indt:
                    prnt_lines[tp+j] += ' ' * (indt-len(prnt_lines[tp+j]))
                prnt_lines[tp+j] += txt_nums[dg][j] + ' ' * sp
            indt = max(len(prnt_lines[tp]),indt)

        for l in prnt_lines:

if __name__ == "__main__":


import numpy as np
import math

zero = ['****',
        '|  |',
        '*  *',
        '|  |',
one = ['*',
two = ['****',
        '   |',
        '|   ',
three = ['****',
        '   |',
        '   |',
four = ['*  *',
        '|  |',
        '   |',
        '   *']
five = ['****',
        '|   ',
        '   |',
six = ['*   ',
        '|   ',
        '|  |',
seven = ['****',
        '   |',
        '   *',
        '   |',
        '   *']
eight = ['****',
        '|  |',
        '|  |',
nine = ['****',
        '|  |',
        '   |',
        '   *']

txt_nums = [zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine]

def find_correct_index(lines, s_i):
    e_i = 0
    for i in range(len(lines)):
        l = lines[i]
        if l == '':
        n_e_i = str.find(l,' ',s_i)
        if n_e_i == -1:
            n_e_i = len(l)
        if n_e_i >= e_i:
            e_i = n_e_i
    return e_i

def get_int_from_repr_array(arr):
    if np.array_equal(arr, zero):
        return 0
    if np.array_equal(arr, one):
        return 1
    if np.array_equal(arr, two):
        return 2
    if np.array_equal(arr, three):
        return 3
    if np.array_equal(arr, four):
        return 4
    if np.array_equal(arr, five):
        return 5
    if np.array_equal(arr, six):
        return 6
    if np.array_equal(arr, seven):
        return 7
    if np.array_equal(arr, eight):
        return 8
    if np.array_equal(arr, nine):
        return 9

def get_idx_for_nums(lines):
    idxs = []
    s_i = 0
    final_si = max([len(l) for l in lines])

    while s_i < final_si:
        e_i = find_correct_index(lines, s_i)

        s_i = e_i
        n_s_i = s_i
        is_found = False
        while n_s_i < final_si and is_found == False:
            for l in lines:
                if n_s_i >= len(l):
                if l[n_s_i] not in [' ','\n']:
                    is_found = True
                    s_i = n_s_i
            n_s_i += 1

    return idxs

def main():
    lines = []
    with open('2017-Summer/out3.txt','r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()

    idxs = get_idx_for_nums([l[:-1] for l in lines])
    nums = np.full((len(idxs),5), fill_value="****", dtype='object')
    i = 0
    for s,e in idxs:
        j = 0
        for l in lines:
            if len(l) < s or l[s:e].strip() == '':
            nums[i,j] = l[s:e]
            j += 1
        i += 1

    num = 0
    i = len(idxs)
    for el in nums:
        num += int(math.pow(10,i-1)) * get_int_from_repr_array(el)
        i -= 1


if __name__ == "__main__":


import numpy as np
import math

zero = ['****',
        '|  |',
        '*  *',
        '|  |',
one = ['*',
two = ['****',
        '   |',
        '|   ',
three = ['****',
        '   |',
        '   |',
four = ['*  *',
        '|  |',
        '   |',
        '   *']
five = ['****',
        '|   ',
        '   |',
six = ['*   ',
        '|   ',
        '|  |',
seven = ['****',
        '   |',
        '   *',
        '   |',
        '   *']
eight = ['****',
        '|  |',
        '|  |',
nine = ['****',
        '|  |',
        '   |',
        '   *']

txt_nums = [zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine]

def find_correct_index(lines, s_i):
    e_i = 0
    for i in range(len(lines)):
        l = lines[i]
        if l == '':
        n_e_i = str.find(l,' ',s_i)
        if n_e_i == -1:
            n_e_i = len(l)
        if n_e_i >= e_i:
            e_i = n_e_i
    return e_i

def get_most_similar_char(char):
    best_score = 0
    best_match = -1
    if char.shape[1] < 4:
        return 1
    for k in range(len(txt_nums)):
        if k == 1:
        np_c = np.array([list(l) for l in txt_nums[k]], dtype='str')
        score = 0
        for i in range(np_c.shape[0]):
            for j in range(np_c.shape[1]):
                if char[i,j] == np_c[i,j]:
                    score += 1

        if score > best_score:
            best_score = score
            best_match = k

    return best_match

def get_idx_for_nums(lines):
    idxs = []
    s_i = 0
    final_si = max([len(l) for l in lines])

    while s_i < final_si:
        e_i = find_correct_index(lines, s_i)

        s_i = e_i
        n_s_i = s_i
        is_found = False
        while n_s_i < final_si and is_found == False:
            for l in lines:
                if n_s_i >= len(l):
                if l[n_s_i] not in [' ','\n']:
                    is_found = True
                    s_i = n_s_i
            n_s_i += 1

    return idxs

def get_vertical_idxs(lines):
    e_i = s_i = 0
    fn_v_i = max([len(l) for l in lines])
    v_idxs = []

    while s_i < fn_v_i:
        is_found = False
        for l in lines:
            if len(l)-1 < e_i:
            if l[e_i] not in [' ']:
                is_found = True
        if is_found:
            e_i += 1
            if s_i < e_i:
            s_i = e_i + 1
            e_i = s_i

    return v_idxs

def get_horizontal_idxs(lines,v_idxs):
    h_idxs = []
    for s,e in v_idxs:
        s_i = e_i = 0
        for l in lines:
            if l[s:e].strip() != '':
                e_i += 1
            if l[s:e].strip() == '' or e_i == len(lines):
                if s_i < e_i:
                s_i = e_i + 1
                e_i = s_i
    return h_idxs

def main():
    lines = []
    with open('2017-Summer/out5.txt','r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()

    v_idxs = get_vertical_idxs([l[:-1] for l in lines])
    h_idxs = get_horizontal_idxs([l[:-1] for l in lines], v_idxs)

    max_l = max([len(l) for l in lines])
    nums = np.array([list(l[:-1].ljust(max_l)) for l in lines], dtype='str')
    res = 0

    for i in range(len(v_idxs)):
        v_s,v_e = v_idxs[i]
        h_s,h_e = h_idxs[i]

        char = nums[h_s:h_e,v_s:v_e]
        n = get_most_similar_char(char)
        res += int(math.pow(10,len(v_idxs) - 1 - i)) * n


if __name__ == "__main__":