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京都大学 情報学研究科 数理工学専攻 2021年8月実施 グラフ理論





\(G\) を点集合 \(V\),枝集合 \(E\) から成る単純連結無向グラフとし,各枝 \(e\in E\) には実数値の重み \(w(e)\) が付与されている. 点の部分集合 \(X \subseteq V\) に対し \(X\)\(V \setminus X\) の間の枝の集合を \(E(X)\) と記す. 枝の部分集合 \(S \subseteq E\) に対して \(w(S) \triangleq \sum_{e \in S} w(e)\), \(w_{\text{max}} (S) \triangleq \max_{e \in S} w(e)\) と定める.以下の問いに答えよ.

(i) \((X, F)\), \(X \neq V\)\(G\) の部分木とし,\(G\) の最小木には木 \((X, F)\) を含むものが存在すると仮定する.\(a_F = uv \in E(X)\)\(E(X)\) の中で重み最小の枝とする.このとき \(G\) の最小木には \((X \cup \{u, v\}, F \cup \{a_F\})\) を含むものが存在することを証明せよ.

(ii) 最小木を求めるプリム法を記述し,その正当性を証明せよ.

(iii) \((V, T^*)\)\(G\) の最小木とする.このとき \(G\) の任意の全域木 \((V, T)\) に対して \(w_{\text{max}}(T^*) \le w_{\text{max}}(T)\) が成り立つことを証明せよ.

English Version

Let \(G\) be a simple and connected undirected graph with a vertex set \(V\) and an edge set \(E\) such that each edge \(e\in E\) is weighted by a real value \(w(e)\). For a subset \(X \subseteq V\) of vertices, let \(E(X)\) denote the set of edges between \(X\) and \(V \setminus X\). For a subset \(S \subseteq E\) of edges, define \(w(S) \triangleq \sum_{e \in S} w(e)\) and \(w_{\text{max}} (S) \triangleq \max_{e \in S} w(e)\). Answer the following questions.

(i) Let \((X, F)\), \(X \neq V\) be a subtree of \(G\) and assume that one of the minimum spanning trees of \(G\) contains the tree \((X, F)\). Let \(a_F = uv \in E(X)\) be an edge with the minimum weight among the edges in \(E(X)\). Prove that one of the minimum spanning trees of \(G\) contains \((X \cup \{u, v\}, F \cup \{a_F\})\)

(ii) Describe Prim’s method for computing a minimum spanning tree and prove its correctness.

(iii) Let \((V, T^*)\) be a minimum spanning tree of \(G\). Prove that \(w_{\text{max}}(T^*) \le w_{\text{max}}(T)\) holds for every spanning tree \((V, T)\) of \(G\).



Let \(T^* = (V, E^*)\) be one minimum spanning tree that contains the tree \((X, F)\).

From the connectivity of \(T^*\), we know that there exists an edge \(e_X \in E^*\) that connects \(X\) and \(V \setminus X\), i.e. \(e_X \in E(X)\). We substitute edge \(e_X\) by edge \(a_F\) and let \(T'\) denote thetree after substitution, i.e. \(T' = (V, E^* \setminus \{e_X\} \cup \{a_F\})\).

Since \(a_F \in E(X)\) is an edge with the minimum weight among the edges in \(E(X)\), we know that \(w(a_F) \le w(e_X)\).


\[ w(T') = w(T^*) - w(e_X) + w(a_F) \le w(T^*). \]

Hence \(T'\) is a minimum spanning tree of \(G\) contains \((X \cup \{u, v\}, F \cup \{a_F\})\)


PrimAlgorithm(G=(V, E)):
    choose an arbitrary vertex s in V
    F = {}
    X = {s}
    while X is not equal to V do:
        find an edge e = uv (u in X and v in V\X) of minimum weight among E(X)
        F = F + {e}
        X = X + {v}

    output F

We prove the correctness of Prim's algorithm by induction.

The induction hypothesis will be that after each iteration, the tree \(T\) is a subgraph of some minimum spanning tree \(T^*\).

This is trivially true at the start, since initially \(T\) is just a single node and no edges.

Suppose that at some point in the algorithm we have \(T = (X, F)\) which a subgraph of some minimum spanning tree \(T^*\). Since the Prim's algorithm finds an edge \(e = uv \in E(x)\) of minimum weight, from (i) we know that there exists a minimum spanning tree of \(G\) that contains \((X \cup \{u, v\}, F \cup \{e\})\). This maintains the induction, so proves the correctness.


Prove by contradiction: Assume that there exists a spanning tree \(T' = (V, E')\) of \(G\) such that \(w_{\text{max}}(T^*) > w_{\text{max}}(E')\). Obviously \(T^* \neq E'\).

Let \(e^{*}_{\max}=uv\) be an edge of maximum weight in \(T^*\). The graph \(T' \cup \{e^{*}_{\max}\}\) contains a cycle \(C(e^{*}_{\max})\) (called the fundamental cycle of \(e^{*}_{\max}\) with respect to \(T'\)).

Since \(w_{\text{max}}(T^*) > w_{\text{max}}(E')\), for every edge \(e \in C(e^{*}_{\max}), e \neq e^{*}_{\max}\) we have

\[ w(e) \le w_{\text{max}}(E') < w_{\text{max}}(T^*) = w(e^{*}_{\max}) \]

Since \(C(e^{*}_{\max}) \setminus \{e^{*}_{\max}\}\) is a path from \(u\) to \(v\) in \(T'\), there exists an edge \(f \in C(e^{*}_{\max})\setminus \{e^{*}_{\max}\}\) that connects \(T^* \setminus \{e^{*}_{\max}\}\).

Then we have

\[ w(T^* \setminus \{e^{*}_{\max}\} + \{f\}) = w(T^*) - w(e^{*}_{\max}) + w(f) <w(T^*) \]

i.e. the tree \(T^* \setminus \{e^{*}_{\max}\} + \{f\}\) is a spanning tree of lower weight than \(T^*\), a contradiction.