京都大学 情報学研究科 数理工学専攻 2018年8月実施 グラフ理論
\(G = (V, E)\) を節点集合 \(V\)、枝集合 \(E\) から成る単純強連結有向グラフ、\(N = [G, w]\) を \(G\) の各枝 \(e \in E\) に実数値の重み \(w(e)\) を与えて得られるネットワークとする。 節点 \(u\) から節点 \(v\) への有向枝は \((u, v)\) と書き、その枝重みは \(w(u,v)\) とも書く。 節点 \(u\) から節点 \(v\) への距離 \(\text{dist}(u,v)\) を \(N\) における \(u\) から \(v\) への単純路上の枝重みの和の最小値と定める。 枝重み和が負である有向閉路を負閉路と呼ぶ。以下の問いに答えよ。
(i) 次の条件を満たす節点の実数値重み \(p(v)\), \(v \in V\) が存在するとき、\(N\) に負閉路が存在しないことを証明せよ。
(ii) 次を満たす節点 \(s \in V\) と枝 \((u,v) \in E\) の組が存在するとき、\(N\) に負閉路が存在することを証明せよ。
(iii) 各枝の重みが非負であると仮定する。 ある部分集合 \(S \subseteq V\) と節点 \(s \in S\) に対して、\(S\) から \(V \setminus S\) へ向かう枝 \((u, v) \in E\) の中で \(\text{dist}(s, u) + w(u,v)\) の値が最小とする枝を \((u^*, v^*)\) とする。 このとき、\(\text{dist}(s, v^*) = \text{dist}(s, u^*) + w(u^*, v^*)\) が成り立つことを証明せよ。
English Version
Let \(G = (V, E)\) denote a simple, strongly connected digraph with a vertex set \(V\) and an edge set \(E\), and let \(N= [G, w]\) denote a network obtained from \(G\) by assigning a real value \(w(e)\) ot each edge \(e \in E\) as its weight. A directed edge from a vertex \(u\) to a vertex \(v\) is denoted by \((u, v)\) and its weight is writen as \(w(u, v)\). Define the distance \(\text{dist}(u, v)\) from a vertex \(u\) to a vertex \(v\) to be the minimum summation of weights of edges in a simple path from \(u\) to \(v\) in \(N\). A directed cycle is called a negative cycle if the sum of edge weights in the cycle is negative. Answer the following questions.
(i) Prove that \(N\) has no negative cycle if there is a set of real weights \(p(v), v \in V\) such that
(ii) Prove that \(N\) has a negative cycle if there is a pair of a vertex \(s \in V\) and an edge \((u, v) \in E\) such that
(iii) Assume that the weight of each edge is non-negative. For a subset \(S \subseteq V\) and a vertex \(s \in S\), let \((u^*, v^*)\) be an edge that minimizes \(\text{dist}(s, u) + w(u,v)\) among all edges \((u, v) \in E\) directed from \(S\) to \(V \setminus S\). Prove that \(\text{dist}(s, v^*) = \text{dist}(s, u^*) + w(u^*, v^*)\).
Please refer to 京都大学 情報学研究科 数理工学専攻 2023年8月実施 グラフ理論.
Let \(P_{s,u}\) denote a simple path from \(s\) to \(u\) of distance \(\text{dist}(s, u)\). Let \(P'_{s, v}\) denote the path by concatenating \(P_{s,u}\) and edge \((u,v)\).
If \(\text{dist}(s, u) + w(u, v) < \text{dist}(s, v)\), then by the definition of "distance" we know that \(P'_{s, v}\) is not a simple path otherwise \(\text{dist}(s, u) + w(u, v) \geq \text{dist}(s, v)\).
Since \(P_{s,u}\) is a simple path but \(P'_{s, v}\) is not, we have \(v \in V(P_{s,u})\). Hence there exists a cycle \(C\) in \(P'_{s, v}\) which can be written as \((v, \ldots, u, v)\).
Let \(P_{s,u}^v\) denote the subpath of \(P_{s,u}\) ends at \(v\) (note that \(P_{s,u}^v\) is also a simple path). If \(C\) is not a negative cycle, i.e., \(w(C) \geq 0\), then we have
which contradicts the definition of \(\text{dist}(s,v)\). Therefore, \(C\) is a negative cycle.
(Note: this question is actually asking a proof of correctness of Dijkstra's algorithm)
Since the weight of each edge is non-negative, there does not exist negative cycle. Hence by the definition of \(\text{dist}(s,v^*)\) and question (2) we know that
Any path from \(s\) to \(v^*\) must go through an edge from \(S\) to \(V \setminus S\). Hence, let \(P_{s, v^*} = \{s, \ldots, u', v', \ldots, v^*\}\) denote a shortest simple path from \(s\) to \(v\). W.l.o.g. we assume that \(u' \in S, v' \in V \setminus S\) and let \(P_1 = \{s, \ldots, u'\}\) and \(P_2 = \{v', \ldots, v^*\}\) denote the subpaths of \(P_{s, v^*}\). Then,