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京都大学 情報学研究科 数理工学専攻 2017年8月実施 アルゴリズム基礎




連結単純無向グラフ \(G=(V,E)\) と節点 \(s \in V\) が与えられたとき、\(s\) を始点とする幅優先探索により得られる \(G\) の全域木を \(T\) とし、\(T\) 上で \(s\) からの距離 \(i\) である節点の集合を \(V_i\) と記す。 以下の問いに答えよ。

(i) \(s\) を始点として \(G\) の全域木 \(T\) を構築する幅優先探索の記述を与えよ。

(ii) \(j + 2 \leq k\) である \(V_j\)\(V_k\) の間には枝が存在しないことを証明せよ。

(iii) どの \(V_i\) も隣接する2節点の対を含まないとき、\(G\) は二部グラフであることを証明せよ。

(iv) ある \(V_i\) が隣接する2節点の対を含むとき、\(G\) は奇数長の閉路を持つことを証明せよ。



BFS-Tree(G, s):
    V_T = {s}
    E_T = {}
    Q = {}
    ENQUEUE(Q, s)

    while Q is not empty do
        u = DEQUEUE(Q)
        for each v in Adj[u] do
            if v is not in V_T then
                V_T = V_T + {v}
                E_T = E_T + {(u, v)}
                ENQUEUE(Q, v)   

    return (V_T, E_T)


If there exits an edge \((u, v)\) between \(V_j\) and \(V_k\) such that \(j+2 \leq k\), w.l.o.g assume that \(u \in V_j\) and \(v \in V_k\), then the distance from \(s\) to \(v\) is at most

\[ \text{dist}(s, v) = \text{dist}(s, u) + \text{dist}(u, v) = j + 1 \]

which contradicts \(\text{dist}(s,v) = k \geq j + 2\).


Consider the following sets:

\[ \begin{aligned} X &= \{v \in V_i \mid i \text{ is even}\} \\ Y &= \{v \in V_i \mid i \text{ is odd}\} \end{aligned} \]

According to question (ii), there is no edge between \(V_j\) and \(V_k\) if \(j\) and \(k\) are both even or odd. Also, according to the statement of question (iii), no \(V_i\) contains a pair of adjacent vertices. Hence no two vertices within the same set are adjacent, which implies that \(G\) is a bipartite graph.


We prove the statement by contradiction.

Assume that \(G\) is bipartite. Suppose that there exists two adjacent vertices \(u_i\) and \(v_i\) in a \(V_i \ (i \geq 1)\).

Then there must exists two vertices \(u_{i-1}, v_{i-1} \in V_{i-1}\) adjacent to \(u_i\) and \(v_i\), respectively. If \(u_{i-1} = v_{i-1}\), then a contradiction to the definition of bipartite graph. Hence we assume that \(u_{i-1} \neq v_{i-1}\). Repeat the above construction and finally we will be in the situation that \(u_{0} = v_{0} = s\), which leads to a contradiction.

Therefore, if some \(V_i\) contains a pair of adjacent vertices then \(G\) is not a bipartite graph.